Welcome from the Grand Master

Regular Freemasonry is a phenomenon that has attracted and fascinated people all over the world for more than 3 centuries. They enter an initiatory society in which they work mainly on themselves. To do this, they practice rituals that use the symbolism of construction tools. Their approach is based on the fact that a person is perfectible and that a good man can become a better man.

The regular Belgian Freemasons work for the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe. Respectful of all religious convictions, they consider that questioning oneself is an essential step in the search for Transcendence and the meaning of life. It is by changing himself that man can participate actively in the improvement of humanity. In this, the Grand Lodge Regular of Belgium is very directly and very faithfully part of the Tradition established in 1717 in London. A Tradition which today brings together more than 2.5 million people around the world.

From the day of his Initiation, the Freemason engages in a quest that is both deep and difficult, he lives a spiritual experience that is both individual and collective, made of interactivity with others, often sharing the same sensitivity.

Welcome to the Grand Lodge Regular of Belgium, which is part of the Western tradition, a school of virtue in which attentive listening, love of neighbor and unconditional respect for the Brothers but also for all men, regardless of all considerations of race, religion, language and sexual orientation are essential values.